
From 2021, St John Paul College has operated a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program for all year groups. Please consider the following considerations when purchasing a device.

The device:

  • must be able to back up data to the cloud or an external device
  • must be able to connect to the school wi-fi internet connection
  • should be under three years old and running an up-to-date operating system
  • must be able to operate without charging whilst at school
  • should be portable and comfortable for the student to carry
  • must have a minimum screen size of 9.7 inches
  • must be able to switch off wireless telephone technology, e.g. 4G, 5G
  • must be able to switch off Bluetooth communications
  • 2025 Year 7 and 8 students may not use a tablet or iPad device
  • 2025 - Years 9 and 10 may continue to use their tablet or iPad until it needs to be replaced by a laptop
  • 2025 - Year 11 and 12 must use a laptop


All students agree to the College’s Acceptable Use Agreement. This applies when using technologies at school and during College excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities.

As a Google Apps for Education school, each student is provided with email (Gmail) and Google Drive, which offers a rich, collaborative learning space and is designed for students to save school-related material. Staff use Google Classroom for online delivery of content. Students are responsible for checking their emails daily.

St John Paul College has formed a partnership with Coffs Computers, who are aware of our technology requirements. They have a number of suitable devices available for purchase through their portal. As part of their service, they offer a hot swap service if your device needs repairing. This will minimize downtime for students.

Please note that it is not compulsory to purchase through Coffs Computers.

Click here to access the portal. Click on the SJPC logo and add BYOD when asked to enter the password. 

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"  (John 14:6)

St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour