The explanation for an absence must be received within seven days of the absence. A written note, email or phone call from a parent/guardian clearly stating the reason and dates of absence are required.
If the absence is for ten days or more - a Notification of Extended Leave form must be submitted to the College before the leave commences.
If students arrive at school and the Homeroom bell has gone, they must sign in at the Office. They will then be given a late slip to take to class. Within seven days, parents/guardians can provide a note, email or phone the College to explain a late arrival.
If students need to leave school early, a note or email must be provided on the morning of that day. A phone call is not accepted for an Early Leave Pass. The note must clearly state the student’s name, time and reason for the pass. It must be signed by a parent/guardian and presented by the student to the Office. The student can then meet their parent/guardian in the pickup spot at the designated time.
If students feel unwell at school, they must inform their teacher, who will sign their diary. The student will then go to the Front Office. If students feel unwell during recess or lunch, they are to go straight to the Front Office for assistance.
A written note of explanation from a parent/guardian or a medical certificate should be given to the Sports Office.
Notify the College Office in writing via the Change of Family Details form. The form must be signed by a parent/guardian. In some circumstances, the form may be required to be signed by both parents.
The Lost Property basket is located in the foyer outside the staffroom. Please clearly label all items that are brought or worn to school.
Further Information on Daily College Procedures is listed in the Student Diary.