
Sport is compulsory for Years 7 - 10. Year 7 and 8 sport occurs each Wednesday afternoon, while Year 9 and 10 sport is on Thursday afternoon. On these days, the relevant year groups are to wear their sports uniform to school.

The Year 7 and 8 program is a compulsory program jam-packed with exciting non-traditional opportunities as well as the chance to build upon and refine mainstream motor skills. By the end of Year 8, all students have accessed Aquatics, Golf, Tennis, Martial Arts, Fitness, Fishing and the Beach Games programs as well as participated in a range of Multisports on campus. The OSSA (Ocean Safety Surfer Award) is the pinnacle of Year 8 and is a requirement of eligibility for students to select aquatic-based activities in Years 9 and 10.

The Year 9 and 10 program is wholly elective and allows students to select from a wide range of sporting activities. Sports such as Surfing, Stand Up Paddle Board, Kayaking,  Fishing, Ten Pin Bowling, Ice Skating, Laser tag, Mini Golf, Squash, Tennis, Futsal, Volleyball, Touch Football, Yoga, Basketball, Beach Walking, Beach Games, Gymnastics and Multisport are offered on a rotating basis for students to elect.


The College provides a range of sporting opportunities in line with the Diocese of Lismore and NSW Combined Catholic Colleges pathways. 

Sports including Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country, Football, Triathlon, Basketball, Surfing, Soccer, Netball, Touch Football, Gymnastics, Golf and Volleyball are offered yearly. 

Access to some sports, such as Rugby League, League Tag, Rugby Union, AFL and Rugby 7’s, is through local sporting bodies.


Diocese of Lismore Sport


"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"  (John 14:6)

St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour