Community Partnerships

At SJPC, we actively foster collaborative community partnerships that provide educational opportunities for our students and staff.

The Coffs Harbour Musical Society brings some of Australia's and the world's finest classical musicians to our college theatre. Each concert is complemented by insightful masterclasses or pre-concert talks, offering enriching experiences. College students and staff are encouraged to
attend and participate in these cultural events.

For further information, please follow the link here.

Additionally, ArtsNational Coffs Harbour offers a program of engaging and enlightening lecture presentations on diverse topics every month. These lectures feature speakers of international renown as well as local experts. Speakers come from a variety of professional backgrounds. Students and staff may attend as audience members or contribute to the technical aspects of these presentations.

For further information, please follow the link here.

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"  (John 14:6)

St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour