Our Counsellors at St John Paul College are Brad Poidevin and Kate Roberts.


What does a Counsellor do?

The Counsellors assist children, young people, families and teachers to support a young person to get the best out of life at school. They help children and young people to achieve academic success, psychological health, and social and emotional wellbeing.

School Counsellors are professionally qualified and are able to provide counselling to students, individually and in groups. A student’s reasons for seeing a School Counsellor may include worrying about school work, friendships or other relationships, bullying, general mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, or grief and loss. Parents and carers may seek advice from School Counsellors about their child’s emotional and social well-being. They may also seek information about getting help from other local services. The School Counsellor may refer students and their families to appropriate health and welfare agencies as required.

How do I make an appointment?

At St John Paul College, students and family members can request an appointment with a School Counsellor using the following methods:

  • Online - Using Compass, click on 'School Favourites" and go to "Counsellor Self-Referral Form.' Please complete and submit this form
  • Contacting the school. Make a request in person at the College Office, call 66533155 or email (
  • Contacting the counsellors directly ( or
  • Students under 14 years will need both parents to complete and sign a consent form prior to commencing counselling - available on request or download the form on the parent Compass Community portal under 'School Documentation.'

Privacy and confidentiality

The information shared with the School Counsellor is kept private and confidential. The School Counsellor’s files are stored securely, and only accessed by the School Counsellor. If concerns arise about safety, the School Counsellor has an ethical and legal duty to inform professionals who can assist with the situation. If you have concerns about privacy, please discuss these with the School Counsellor.

What other supports are available in the Community?

There are agencies in the community that offer specialised counselling and support to young people and their families. These services include drug and alcohol, mental illness, homelessness, employment, financial assistance, disability, sexual assault, violence, criminal behaviour and family law matters. If your concerns relate to any of these areas, referral information can be provided to you.

Local Health Services and General Practitioners are also a good source of support

Helplines and Recommended Websites

Kids Hepline

1800 55 1800


Lifeline 13 11 14
Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 (24hrs)
Headspace 6652 1878
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"  (John 14:6)

St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour