6 April 2023 - Newsletter (Vol 40 No 5)
Principal's Message
St John Paul College Celebrating 40 Years
Assistant Principal - Mission
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
School Evangelisation
School Catechesis
Ministry Assistants
Spotlight on Student Representative Council (SRC)
SJPC Calendar Dates
Office News
Leaders of Student Wellbeing
The Career Path
Visual Arts
Year 9 Elective World History
Year 12 Geography
Sports Corner
Spectrum Spectacular Gala Ball
The Easter Message
“Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for He is risen, as He said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead…” (Matt. 28:5-7)
Holy week is the final week of Lent and began with Palm Sunday last weekend. It concludes with Easter Sunday, celebrating the most important event in the Church’s calendar. Not the death of Christ, but his Resurrection. It is a time when we as Christians celebrate the triumph of good over evil, a time for new possibilities and restoring parts of our lives that have been ‘broken’.
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday – washing of the feet and the last supper
Good Friday – The Crucifixion
Holy Saturday – The Easter vigil
Easter Sunday – The Resurrection
We commemorate the Passion of Christ and remember his sacrifice for all of us. It is a time for reflection and renewal, a time to focus on love, kindness and forgiveness. The ultimate act of love – giving your life for others, kindness in the face of unimaginable torment and torture and forgiveness for those who cause us grievance. Even to his last breath, Jesus cared, Jesus loved, Jesus forgave.
Easter also marks a time of new beginnings a new season on the Church’s calendar. My hope and wish for all our families this Easter season is that you experience joy, hope and peace grounded in the person of Jesus Christ who saved us all.
“For God loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God bless
The 17th April 2023 will mark 40 years since the official opening of stage 1 of John Paul College. During the year we will delve back into the history of the school in our newsletters and on our Facebook page.
This week we feature some Homeroom Classes or Tutor Groups as they were known as in 1983. Perhaps you may recognise some students or staff!
Artist in Residence Program 2023
The Mission Team is so excited to announce that our Artist in Residence for 2023 will be Dr Dan White. Dr Dan is an accomplished writer and has held significant leadership positions in Catholic Education, including 6 years as the Director of Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of Hobart and 10 years as Executive Director of Sydney Catholic Schools.
Our Artist in Residence program follows on from a Staff Development Day held last year, in which Dr Dan supported staff to develop a deeper understanding of Gospel stories and their messages, through taking a deep dive into First Century Palestine.
Dr Dan will be with us for a full week - facilitating 17 workshops and master classes! He will work with all Year Groups supporting them to understand their Gospel Passage and Theme from the SJPC Emmaus Project. Dr Dan will also present a number of workshops to our staff, focussing on The Good Shepherd, servant leadership and the mission and purpose of a Catholic School.
Have you ever wondered:
- Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem?
- Why was the Good Samaritan called ‘good’?
- What is the most famous of all of Jesus’ parables?
For the answers to these questions and more, come along to Dr Dan’s Twilight ‘Wisdom and Wine' session for parents/carers on Thursday 4 May. Keep this date free as you do not want to miss this one! Click on the link to register!
During this session we will also explore the newly selected parent Gospel passage - I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 1:4).
In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St John Paul College.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
WHEN? Term 2 Week 2 (the survey will remain open for 2 weeks)
HOW? You will be provided with a URL to access the parent survey and complete online
The Family Connect Service
Assistant Principal - Mission
As Term 1 draws to a close, it is timely that we reflect on the events and programs that have contributed positively to the pastoral care at the College. While there have been many examples, two activities spring to mind:
It’s pleasing to report that our Year 10 & Year 7 Mentoring program has been very successful with bonds being clearly formed between these two groups. Ten weeks ago it was a new beginning for our 208 Year 7 students, many new students in various other cohorts and new staff members. Many parents are unsure of what to expect for their child after primary school. It is a significant change that faces students and it can be challenging for parents as much as their children. New beginnings can be difficult and exciting at the same time. Our new students seemed to have settled in very well to their new surroundings.
I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity in the past week to spend each day with Year 10 as part of their Stewardship week. While half the year group headed to Yarrahapinni for their retreat, the other half worked with Land Care at Boambee Hilltop in the removing of exotic weeds and the planting of native trees as part of their regeneration program following the 2021 hailstorm. This provided the students with the opportunity to put into practise their Gospel spirituality of “responding to humble service to those around me”. I can happily report back that these students were outstanding in their commitment to the cause and we should be very proud of their efforts.
After a busy term I’m sure the upcoming break will be timely for many. After the celebrations of Easter the break should be a time of rest, reflection and an opportunity to regroup. Taking a break not only gives us a chance to rest, it can also promote clearer thinking and greater productivity on our return. Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism. It can be difficult to define rest because it can look different for everyone. Rest is any behaviour aimed at increasing physical or mental well-being. It can be active, such as going for a walk outside, or passive, such as taking 10 minutes to sit down and breathe deeply.
Please be aware that day 2 of Term 2 is ANZAC Day. Please make every effort to support the College on Anzac Day by marching at one of the local venues. Further information will be sent home this week. This event has always been very well represented in the past.
As students return to Term 2 we ask that you be mindful of school policy regarding uniforms including haircuts and jewellery.
Have a very safe, restful and holy Easter break. We look forward to all returning for what I am sure will be a busy Term 2.
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
Students and Handwriting Skills
As we draw to the close of Term 1 and prepare for Easter, I write to ask students and families to consider the skill of handwriting throughout their secondary education. The following has been taken from our subscription to Studyskills.com of which all families have free access to.
Most tests and examinations still require students to handwrite. To improve your handwriting, first consider how healthy you are in the four elements of legible handwriting: letter formation, sizing, alignment on the line and spacing between words. Then use the steps below to start to improve your handwriting:
- FIND THE BEST PEN FOR YOU: Experiment with different pens to see which is the easiest to write with and which one gives you the neatest handwriting. Use the same pen all the time.
- GOOD GRIP: Hold the pen/pencil gently and do not grip too tightly or push too hard on the paper.
- USE ARM MUSCLES: Always write with your forearm and shoulder NOT with your fingers or wrist. This way your strokes will flow much better. It may take you some time to retrain your arm and hand but be aware of these movements when you practise. The muscles in your forearm and shoulder tire less easily than your fingers.
- BEGIN WITH LARGE STROKES: practise initially on a whiteboard (or even tracing letters in the air) using large strokes until you feel comfortable with using your forearm and shoulder muscles. When you feel you have conquered this, it is time to begin practising on paper. Keep using large strokes, gradually reducing them in size as your control of the muscles increases. Once you have accomplished this it is time to begin practising in your exercise book forming normal sized letters.
- POSTURE: Ensure you practise your handwriting skills at a desk or table. Sit up straight using a good chair.
- RULED LINED BOOK: Buy a ruled exercise book (like a primary cursive pad) for practice use. Always write on lined paper and take note of how you are writing and how your work looks on the page.
- COPY STYLE: Look for an example of a handwriting style that you like and can use to copy from. Keep this in front of you at all times to inspire you towards improving your style.
- INDIVIDUAL LETTERS: Begin with individual letters and practise writing at least one letter per day concentrating on the four elements of legible handwriting.
- WHOLE WORDS: Once you have worked your way through individual letters in the alphabet practise writing whole words. Be aware of the flow from one letter to the next as well as spacing between each word.
- TEST SENTENCE: Choose a test sentence for yourself and write it at the top of your first practice page. Each week write this sentence at the top of a new page to check for improvement in your writing.
- SPECIAL SENTENCE: Frequently practise writing the sentence ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ in small and capital letters. This sentence contains all the letters in the alphabet and gives you good overall practice of each letter.
- WRITE SLOWLY TO START: Write slowly when practicing until you are happy with the quality of your handwriting. Then increase the speed.
- REALISTIC GOALS: Don’t set impractical goals for improvement. Improvement will take time and is a matter for persistence – it all comes down to practice, practice and then more practice!
- LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO WRITE: Try and hand write whenever possible.
Once your handwriting style has improved, you can then focus on improving the speed of your handwriting. Every day, practise writing at speed. Choose a particular passage and write it out neatly. Time yourself. The next day write it out neatly again but try and speed up a bit and time yourself again. The goal is to get to the point where you can write the passage out quickly but still maintain neat handwriting. Doing this for just 5 minutes every day will really help you to improve your handwriting. If your cursive (running) writing is really bad, you may find it easier to learn to print really fast in exams rather than focus on improving your cursive style.
You can also try writing with a pen that is weighted on the end to build up the muscles in your hand used for writing. When you get to the exams take the weight off the end and feel the benefits of a lighter pen! And for people with serious handwriting issues, check out the special pens in the handwriting section of the Studyskills website.
Study Skills
Learn more about the ‘managing stress’ resources through the units on www.studyskillshandbook.com.au . Our College access details are:
School’s Username – stjohnpaul
School’s password – 89success
In addition, our subscription to Elevate Education may assist in this area.
This online platform contains resources and useful study tips that all SJPC students will find effective. We encourage them to access this Student Portal and try some of the strategies. Students have the password to this site. The password can also be found on the Curriculum Noticeboard.
Year 10 Retreat
A massive retreat week for staff and students at Grassy Head last week!
Thanks to all who participated and contributed to making this event something special.
A picture tells a thousand words and so, with that in mind, please enjoy these photographs!
Project Compassion
Staff vs Students Penalty Shootout Fundraiser
Legends from 10 CSYMA classes putting faith into action while organising and participating in a Staff vs Students Penalty Shootout.
So many staff and students supported the event and the atmosphere was fantastic, raising much needed funds for Caritas Australia.
A special thanks to Gunsanjh, Lucas, Angus, Henry and Levi for their organisation, poster making, money collection and enthusiasm.
The gold coin donations support Project Compassion as part of our Lenten promise of almsgiving, of being charitable.
Please follow our SJPC Youth Ministry Instagram account for announcements and student opportunities:
St Augustine's Church |
Saturday: 5:30pm |
Woolgoolga St Francis Xavier's Church | Sunday 9:00am |
Coramba St Therese's Church | Sunday 10:30am |
St John Paul College Chapel | Tuesday 9.15am (school term only) |
Coffs Harbour Reconciliation | Saturday - after 9am Mass |
Woolgoolga Reconciliation | Sunday, before Mass |
Mary Help of Christians Church | Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 7:30am & 9:00am Tuesday 9:30 am Wednesday 9:30 am (OLOW Chapel) Thursday 5:00 pm Friday 9:30am |
Reconciliation | Saturday 11:30am-12:30pm or on request |
Year 10 Ministry started their Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about Laxmi, a 16-year-old girl living in Jajarkot, a remote district in Nepal where almost half of the population live below the poverty line. Tragedy struck when Laxmi was 10 years old and her father passed away. Her father worked hard to pay for his children's education and, after losing him, Laxmi was at risk of falling further into extreme poverty.
With the support of Caritas Nepal, Laxmi joined a child's club at her school where she was encouraged to resume her education. Through the child’s club, Laxmi developed the skills and confidence to become a leader, advocating for clean water taps at her school.
Laxmi is now excelling in her studies and working towards her dream of becoming a civil engineer. She continues to be involved in the child's club, serving as an advisor and mentoring the next generation of young leaders at her old school.
Inspired by Laxmi’s story the Year 10 Ministry classes created a Tapitas Water Wall with a picture of a tap at the top and then water droplets cascading down. Students were asked to buy a water droplet for a $1 and go in the running for six lollie jars. They wrote their name and even added a prayer if they chose before adding their droplet to the display wall. As you can see the end result was spectacular.
As we enter Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond through supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal.
The students generosity is the pebble that allows Caritas Australia to create the ripples that will improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, supporting them to flourish and create opportunities for future generations to live to their full potential.
Thank you!
Interview with Cherie O'Brien - Teacher
What is your favourite childhood show and why?
I would love to say Dr Who but I watched that because my sister's watched it. I loved Banana Splits on the ABC!
What is your coolest secret talent?
Well, it's a secret and it's probably not cool enough to reveal but I have loved crocheting since I learned in Kindy. It's the best part of winter and what I enjoy when I want to relax!
Describe something about you that most staff or students wouldn't know?
That's a really difficult question. Maybe that I am a middle child in a family of 7 and that I'm not the bossiest!
What role does God play in your life?
In my life, God has been the 'go to' when I feel the need to talk, to share or to connect. There have been times in my life where I have questioned God's choices or wisdom, but that's when I listen a little bit harder.
Ashlinn de Dassel & Kalob Stone
Ministry Assistants
Rylan Jones - SRC - Year 11 Student
I chose to be a leader because I knew it would be a new yet challenging experience.
What makes a quality leader?
A quality leader is someone who is fair and right whilst being someone who others can aspire to be.
How do you plan on leading your year?
I plan to lead my year efficiently.
Favourite quote
"Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny." -Lao Tzu
Favourite food
Riley Andrews - SRC - Year 11 Student
Why did you choose to be a leader?
I choose to be a leader with the hope to have an impact on something bigger and to help my year group make change where they see fit.
What makes a quality leader?
To be a quality leader, you have to be willing to do things that may be uncomfortable, but in the hope it will make a change. To try and be honest, and humble, yet confident and eager to help others and learn.
How do you plan on leading your year?
I plan to lead year 11 with an encouraging, supportive and positive attitude, through the SRC and sporting events in particular.
Favourite quote
“Work until your idol becomes your rival.” - I don’t know who came up with it, but I like keeping it in mind.
Favourite food
It has to be between sushi and hot chips.
Week 1 A - Monday 24 April - Friday 28 April |
Mon 24 | All | Staff and Students return T2 |
Tues 25 | All | Public Holiday |
Wed 26 | All | ANZAC College Assembly |
Future Families | Year 7 2024 Enrolments Open | |
Fri 28 | Year 9 & 10 | White Card Training Course |
Future Families | Catholic Schools Week - College Tours 9-12noon | |
Sport | Girls League Tag - GKMO, Coffs Harbour |
Week 2 B - Monday 1 May - Friday 5 May |
Mon 1 - Fri 5 | Year 12 |
Year 12 Hospitality Workplacement |
Mon 1 - Fri 5 | Years 7,8,9 & 10 |
Artist in Residence - The Emmaus Project |
Tues 2 | Year 7 & 9 | Poetry in Action |
Sport | Dio Open Football - Kempsey | |
Thurs 4 | Year 10 |
Year 10 Vaccination - Meningococcal Years 7, 8 & 11 (Catch up) |
Parents | Wisdom & Wine Evening - 5pm - 6.30pm | |
Fri 5 | Sport | Dio Open Football - Nth v Sth Finals |
Year 12 (some) | University New England Open Day | |
Sun 7 | All | Year 12 Fundraising Golf Day Coffs Harbour Golf Club |
Term Dates 2023
Term 2 |
Mon 24 April | First day of Term 2 |
Tues 25 April | ANZAC Day PH |
Mon 12 June | Queens B'day PH |
Fri 30 June | Last day of Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Tues 18 July | First day of Term 3 |
Fri 25 Aug | Staff Development / Pupil Free Day |
Fri 22 Sept | Last day of Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Tues 10 Oct | First day of Term 4 |
Fri 10 Nov | Staff Development / Pupil Free Day |
Friday 15 Dec | Picnic day Boambee Bay Reserve *Last day of Term 4 |
- First day for all Staff and Students - Monday 24 April
- ANZAC Day - Public Holiday - Tuesday 25 April
- Last day for all Staff and Students - Friday 30 June
For fee related enquiries and payment plan assistance, please contact the Catholic Schools Office by email: cofhs-fees@lism.catholi
SJPC Communication - Facebook
Do you follow SJPC's Facebook page? This is where you will find reminders of upcoming social events, sporting updates, transport delays, job advertisements and photos of SJPC students participating in everyday life at the College.
To start following St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour please click on this link
Compass - Permission to Leave from SPORT - Early Departure
Students must bring a written note from their parents/carers to the College Office before they depart for sport. Early departure from Sport cannot be submitted via the Compass App only a written note will be accepted. Only full day absences can be submitted using the attendance note via the Compass App.
Lost Property
Uniform Shop
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - 9:00am
Homework Centre
Hours: Monday - Thursday 3:20pm - 5:00pm
Year 8
Year Gr8 News!
'Parenting As Anything' Podcast
The more information and understanding we can gather as the adults in our young peoples lives, the more healthier and connected they will be. As a parent myself, recently I’ve been listening to the podcast by parenting author Maggie Dent - ‘Parenting As Anything’. Maggie explores a range of pertennant topics to parents in a range of topics including devices and screen time, sleepovers, divorce, shy and spirited kids and much more.
This link is to the latest Podcast about children and vaping. Paul Dillon from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia joins Maggie to talk about the risks of vaping and why a growing number of kids are doing it. Plus, what to do if your child gets hooked on these addictive, lolly-flavoured devices and how parents can help them quit. It’s well worth a listen.
Cyber Security and Cyber Saftey
Year 8 had the opportunity to engage in a presentation from Optus regarding Cyber security and Cyber safety. The presentation was filled with great information and advice regarding how to be safer online when it comes to passwords, identity theft, uploading personal information and many other topics.
I encouraged all the students to go home and have conversations with parents and family members about being ‘cyber responsible’ because discussing these types of issues increases our childrens health literacy. They then become safer and more responsible contributors to our online and social media world.
ANZAC Day Service
Anzac Day is on the first Tuesday of Week 1 Term 2 and I encourage all Year 8’s to get along and support this years commemorative celebrations where you can. Everyone is welcome to join our fellow students and staff at Coffs, Woolgoolga or Sawtell and march behind the SJPC banner.
As this is the last newsletter before Easter, I’d like to wish all the Year 8 students and their families all the very best. Have a wonderful, safe holiday break and I look forward to seeing you back at school next term.
Year 10 Work Experience
Work Experience is an integral part of the Career Development Program at St John Paul College.
Work Experience provides the opportunity for students to gain experience in the workplace through meeting and working with adults who are unfamiliar to them and understanding what is required of them personally in a work situation. Furthermore, students will be able to use this experience to help them make decisions concerning HSC courses, TAFE or work at the end of school. Students will also use the opportunity to assess their interest in and suitability for particular careers.
In the past, local employers have been exceptionally supportive in allowing St John Paul College students the opportunity for Work Experience. It is anticipated this co-operation will continue this year. Our students in past years have played a large part in building a reputation with employers as reliable, enthusiastic and well-mannered young people - they have been good ambassadors for the College.
In 2023, the Work Experience block for Year 10 will take place in Week 9 of Term 2 (19 - 23 June 2023). Any students wishing to participate will need to have their completed documentation returned to the SJPC office by Friday Week 6 of Term 2 (2 June).
Whilst it may seem like there is plenty of time to get organised, it is important to note that some placements in some industries in our Coffs region are limited and therefore students should begin to seek and organise a suitable business to complete their work experience program with sooner rather than later.
All work experience paperwork will be issued to students in the first week of Term 2.
If you have any questions regarding the work experience block, please contact Mr Paul Corsalini, Careers Adviser here at the College.
Charles Sturt University Explore Day
This week a group of our Year 12 students had the opportunity to visit CSU’s Port Macquarie campus to attend the Explore Day. An open day designed to give students an understanding of what a university feels like, and for them to find out more about specific course offerings and entry pathways.
Upcoming Events
28 April: White Card Course (Group 3)
5 May: University of New England Open Day (Year 12)
17 – 19 May: Sydney Universities Excursion (Year 11)
24 May: Coffs Harbour Careers Expo (Year 10)
19 – 23 June: Year 10 Work Experience block
Paul Corsalini
Careers Adviser
This week our talented music students took to the stage and put on two amazing concerts to a full audience. Monday’s concert featured Year 11 and 12, who performed to an exceptionally high standard, showcasing a wide range of musical styles. For many of our students, these concert evenings have been the starting place for their performing journey and have proven to be integral in their growth as musicians.
Wednesday’s music concert was also a huge success with an incredible array of talent on display. Our Year 9 and 10 students, some of whom have never performed, treated the audience to an evening of Soul and Country music. The supportive atmosphere was felt right from the first performance as friends, family, staff and students cheered and enjoyed every moment.
The music faculty would like to thank all who came along to show support on each evening and we congratulate our students for their hard work and efforts to make this evening possible.
This term Year 9 elective Visual Arts students have been extending their drawing techniques when using different drawing media. They have been undertaking a series of drawings of person-made and organic objects where they have been encouraged to explore different modes of representation. The work they have produced has shown great development in the refinement of media and techniques. Well done Year 9.
Vicki Foggiato
Leader of Learning - Visual Arts
“The dingo’s got my baby!” Or did it?
This term, Year 9 have been investigating the Azaria Chamberlain case to figure out what was her most likely cause of disappearance. Students have been given an array of evidence and time to research the available sources on the case. With their findings, they were asked to form groups and construct a murder board - printing out key pieces of information and evidence, which they would link and analyse to unpack the relationship between aspects of the case.
Using their group findings, students have had to form their own conclusion - what happened to Azaria Chamberlain? The results have been mixed. Regardless of their opinion, students have been required to select the evidence from their boards most relevant and useful to proving their case.
Year 7 Investigating Science
Year 7 students have been busy this term learning about the unique equipment that is used in Science. Our Introduction Science unit involves making measurements; Volume, distance, time and temperature.
Here students can be seen investigating volume. They were required to carefully follow instructions whilst measuring and mixing different coloured water. The result…a perfect rainbow of colours with an equal amount of water in each test tube!
Year 7 are designing their own experiments
Sasebo Youth Exchange
Did you know that Coffs Harbour's sister city in Japan is Sasebo? Every two years, SJPC has been lucky enough to be involved in a sister city exchange with a school in Sasebo. Recently due to Covid, this exchange has moved online.
This term, one Year 8 class was fortunate enough to be involved in a special online exchange that was held to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the city of Sasebo. The exchange was not only with a school in Sasebo but also a school in Fujian, China.
Each class from each school presented a quiz on their local area and students had to work out if the information was true or false. 8B included questions about Coffs Harbour, SJPC and also Australian food and animals.
The students had a wonderful time and the only thing they wished for more of, was time to chat with the students from Japan and China.
Sporting Success
Logan Lacey (Year 11) and Lachlan Mifsud (Year 12) were selected to attend the Northern Country Catholic 18’s League Trials over 2 days in South West Rocks. Lachlan was named captain of the Lismore side and both boys performed well, being selected in the Northern Country team to travel to Sydney in May. Logan and Lachlan will attend a 3 day trial in the hopes of making the CCC League Team. We congratulate them and wish them well in this highly competitive sport.
Nine SJPC Swimmers made their way to Homebush on Friday 31 March to represent the Diocese at the NSWCCC Swimming Championships. Many individual performances as well as a number of relay events saw our students achieve outstanding results of which they can be proud. Congratulations to Riley Woods, Josie Straw, Matilda Newton, Lily-Mei Wong, Ethan Dawson, Carlo Eiler, Holly Tyler, Mitchell Newton, Isla Martin and Jaxon White.
Of particular note, Isla Martin (Year 10) once again took to the podium for the 50m Backstroke. She retains her champion title and will go on to represent NSWCCC at NSW All Schools titles next term. We wish her the best of luck!
Rugby 10’s
With the fields closed in the Kempsey council, both Rugby 10s gala days were moved to BDC on Tuesday 28 March for the girls and to Rugby Park in Coffs for the boys on Thursday 30 March.
Our girls represented in the 14 and 16 year divisions performed well. Our 16’s were resilient as they played 7 a side due to having short numbers with Year 10’s being on Retreat. The 14’s were scintillating in energy and outcome, wining the day to be crown Mid North Coast Champions!
Two days later, our boys represented the College in the 14’s, 16’s and Open divisions. While the 16’s and Open’s tried hard and enjoyed the day, they were not able to make it to the finals. The 14’s, however, showed blistering pace, advanced skill and relentless team spirit to overcome all competitors and be crowned Mid North Coast Champions!
Thank you to the coaches who accompanied the students and held numerous training sessions, often in their own time - Mrs Munokoa, Mr Harrison, Mr Moore, Mr Kent and Mr Burbridge.
Touch Football
Jaxon White, Cooper Moore, Ruby Flanders and Poppi Flanders were chosen to represent the Diocese in Touch Football. Ms Snow, Coach of the Diocesan Girls 15s team reported that all 3 students played hard, showed sportsmanship and integrity in their play.
Cross Country
The College Cross Country went ahead on Wednesday 5 April, albeit in a modified form due to building works about the College. Students nominated to represent the College and any age division with more than 6 nominations competed. A 3km and 4km course were created around Geoff King Oval and those students involved participated during the normal Year 7 and 8 sport time. As a result of the placings, a SJPC Cross Country team will be made up of the top 6 runners in each age group for both boys and girls. The placings at the Diocesan Carnival in Grafton on 19 May will determine the College Cross Country Age Champions.
Term 2 Sport
The Year 7 & 8 Sport roster is attached. Due to a new directive from the CSO, all students attending an off-campus sport throughout the term will have had a Compass event sent to gain permission from parents. Sport occurs in 5 week blocks, so some students will have 2 events that need approval.
Coming Up - Term 2 2023
Thursday 28 April |
League Tag, Geoff King Motors Oval |
Friday 5 May |
Open Football Dio North v South, Leisure Park |
Thursday 11 May |
Boys and Girls 16 Rugby teams v BDC, period 5 & 6, BDC |
Friday 19 May |
Diocesan Cross Country, Grafton |
Wednesday 24 May |
15’s Boys and Girls AFL Gala day, Port Macquarie |
Thursday 25 May |
KFC Girls Tackle Cup, GKMO |
Friday 26 May |
Open Boys and Girls AFL Gala day, Port Macquarie |
Monday 29 - 30 May |
CCC Open Girls Basketball, Port Macquarie |
Wednesday 31 May |
13’s, 15’s and Opens NRL Country Cup, Coffs Harbour |
Thursday 1 June |
Cochrane Cup, Coffs Harbour |
Tuesday 6 June |
Diocesan Junior Football, Coffs Harbour |