29 October 2021 - Newsletter (Vol 38 No 17)
Principal's Message
Assistant Principal - Mission - Staff and Student Wellbeing
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
College Code of Conduct in the Classroom
School Evangelisation
Youth Ministry Team
Curriculum Matters
Literacy Matters
Visual Arts
The Career Path
Sports Corner
2022 SJPC Ski Trip
Summer Skills Flyer
Late last week I announced our student leadership team for 2022 (see over for the full list). It is always a time of excitement for both the staff and students as those who have been elected are announced to the community. The College Captains will be inducted at the Graduation ceremony, while the SRC and House captains will receive their badges at an assembly later this term once the COVID restrictions have been relaxed.
Student voice is very important in any successful school. It is vital that students are afforded the opportunity to contribute to the workings of the very place they spend most of their time. They must feel comfortable in making suggestions for the greater good and feel that at the very least, due consideration is given to their ideas.
In John’s gospel we are reminded of the importance of servant leadership and that no matter the position, the essence of leading is to serve those same people who you lead.
John (13: 2-6; 12-17)
Jesus and His disciples were at Supper. Jesus knew that the Father had given Him complete power; He knew that He had come from God and was going to God. So he rose from the table, took off his outer garment, and tied a towel around his waist. Then he poured some water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel around his waist.
After Jesus had washed their feet, he put his outer garment back on, and returned to his place at the table. ‘Do you understand what I have just done for you?’ he asked. ‘You call me Teacher and Lord, and it is right that you do so, because that is what I am. I, your Lord and Teacher have just washed your feet.
You, then, should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you. I am telling you the truth: no slave is greater than his master, and no messenger is greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know this truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice!’
Congratulations to all our student leaders, I look forward to your contribution to this wonderful community.
Year 7/8 |
Year 8/9 |
Year 9/10 |
Stay safe and God bless
Michael Carniato
While watching the people of Melbourne emerge from 267 days of lockdown, a realisation occurred of how we take the concept of ‘freedom’ for granted. We are truly blessed to live in a country where we are afforded so many freedoms and for which we should be thankful. Many of our fellow humans are not permitted these whether it be for political, religious, racial or societal reasons.
Do any of us really have complete freedom? We may be bound by the law, the Church, commitment to others or our moral compass but we still have the freedom to choose. Our freedom also lies in how we use that freedom. There are many references to freedom in the bible which can be used as a guide:
Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Romans 6:7 "For one who has died has been set free from sin."
John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Freedom isn’t just an abstract idea to talk about, but it’s a spiritual truth God wants to teach us. Everyone benefits from learning how to make the most of our freedom. One of the best ways to use it is not to keep what’s good for ourselves, but share what’s good with more people. We can celebrate freedom by serving God and serving others.
The freedom Jesus gives is not a right to do what we want; it’s the opportunity to do what He wants (1 Peter 2:16). Serving doesn’t save us, but we are saved to serve. Freedom works best when it’s used with humility (Galatians 5:13). Humility isn’t thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less and about others more (Philippians 2:3). Jesus showed us that a full life is found when we learn to give our own lives away (Mark 8:35). Serving is a practical way to give away our time and effort for the good of people like Jesus did (Mark 10:43-45).
Pope Francis recently explained that Christian freedom which comes from baptism is “grounded in the unmerited gift of God’s grace and the truth of Christ.”
Pope Francis said that Jesus, through his death and resurrection, shows us that “ the total gift of ourselves in service of others….. is the supreme mark of freedom.”
With Mission Sunday occurring this week, we particularly keep in our mind and prayers those who serve the Church as a Missionary. Often these people (priests, nuns, brothers and laity) work in very difficult and dangerous situations to spread the Good News that we know will bring true freedom to all.
Message from Coffs Harbour Police Station
Constable Smith, Coffs Harbour Police Station would like parents to be aware there is an older person in the community who has been befriending young people on Snapchat. The College encourages parents to please be vigilant with your student's social media usage and report any suspicious behaviour.
Coffs Harbour Police Station - Tel: 6691 0799
Until next time
Stay safe and God Bless
Assistant Principal - Mission
Staff and Student Wellbeing
Progressive Achievement Testing 2021:
This month will see Year 7 and Year 8 sit the PAT in Maths, Reading and Science. This testing will happen during lesson time and each test is completed by students online and takes less than 40 minutes to complete.
These assessments will continue to be completed each year to allow staff to review trends and hopefully achieve ‘one year’s growth’ for each student.
A letter will be going out to families this week explaining in more detail the process and the dates of the assessments.
Yr 7-9 Parent Student Teacher Conferences:
Inline with the CSO COVID requirements, the College is currently conducting PST conferences via email/phone calls to parents over a two week period. I wrote to parents last week outlining the process but wish to clarify the Google Classroom information.
Each class a student attends will have an associated Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a tool that allows teachers to create a virtual ‘classroom’ in the cloud that students can join and teachers can manage. This platform allows subject teachers to schedule, upload, track assignments and communicate with their class.
Parents can be invited to each classroom as a “guardian”. Due to CSO restrictions and Google’s own privacy laws, the guardian access is much more limited than the student access and is a summary of work (and missing work) as well as class announcements which includes the homework assignments.
Attached is a link to the Google Classroom Help for Guardians. This link has instructions for accessing student Google Classrooms and a set of FAQs:
As part of the Parent Student Teacher Conference process, families are encouraged to consider the following regarding student progress since the Semester 1 Academic Reports:
- How are you feeling about your progress in this subject?
- Have you tried hard to do your best?
- Have you been distracted/distracting?
- What goals do you have to improve your learning habits and effort?
- What strategies do you need to have in place to support your goals?
- Where can you put in more effort?
Study Skills
Learn more this year about how to improve your results and be more efficient and effective with your schoolwork by working through the units on www.studyskillshandbook.com.au. Our College access details are:
Our school’s access details are:
School’s Username – stjohnpaul
School’s password – 89success
In addition, our subscription to Elevate Education may assist in this area.
This online platform contains resources and useful study tips that all SJPC students will find effective. We encourage them to access this Student Portal and try some of the strategies. Students have the password to this site. The password can also be found on the Curriculum Noticeboard.
James Furey
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
Earlier this year the College initiated a lunchtime detention referred to as a “N4” (named after the classroom in which it is held). A student receives a N4 for not following the College Code of Conduct in the classroom or for the use of unacceptable language in the classroom or playground (not necessarily directed at anyone). These detentions are supervised by members of the College Executive.
While this has had the desired effect of improving classroom behaviour, any student who receives 4 X N4 detentions in a semester, will result in a Wednesday afterschool detention.
Assistant Principal - Mission
Staff and Student Wellbeing
![Crazy Sock Day Student Winner](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3990/211029031624752/550x733/crazy_sock_day_student_winner.jpg)
![Crazy Sock Day 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3991/211029031636607/550x412/crazy_sock_day_3.jpg)
![Crazy Sock Day 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3992/211029031636669/550x733/crazy_sock_day_1.jpg)
![Crazy Sock Day 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3993/211029031636744/550x733/crazy_sock_day_2.jpg)
Interview with Josiah Varney - Youth Ministry Officer
1. Favourite kind of bread?
Honestly, I think Turkish bread is my favourite mostly because I love eggs on toast and they just work so well together.
2. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
I’d pick a monkey, I think it would be fun swinging around.
3. Why did you choose to do a year of ministry?
I chose to do a year of ministry because of the impact previous YMO’s had had on me. The impact that they had on my faith was remarkable and really helped bring me and my faith out of its shell. This year I wanted to try and have that same impact that they had on me with the students this year.
4. What are your future plans for living out your faith?
Some of my future plans for living out my faith will include continuing my attendance at Mass as well as getting more involved in helping out at Mass. I would also like to keep helping out with the worship band Wildfire and I’m also planning on getting baptised in the future - hopefully very soon.
Even after school and YMO, the main thing I want to do is keep in touch with my faith, so I’ll do as much as I can to achieve that.
Rachael McConnell, Josiah Varney & Paddy Whittaker
Youth Ministry Officers
Elevate Education webinars continue into November. The webinars run live online from 7pm – 8pm. The presenter will share key research and skills and will conduct a live Q and A so that you can ask questions directly.
Upcoming dates
- 10 November - Exam Preparation tips to deepen revision
- 24 November - Exam-Room skills
Register for free using the link below;
Elevate seminar registration link
Year 12
Students have finished their on campus classes and are in control of their preparation at home before the start of the HSC examination block. For most students this will begin on Tuesday 9th November with English Paper 1.
Information has been provided by letter regarding protocols students will be expected to follow for the duration of the examination block. Students will be kept up to date via their NESA Students Online Account and the SJPC 2021 HSC Curriculum Matters Classroom. Please ensure these online portals are checked.
Year 11
Thank you to all those students who have joined the 2022 HSC Curriculum Matters Classroom through which all communications regarding their final year of schooling will be disseminated. Your proactive response demonstrates your readiness to take on the challenges of the next 12 months.
Week 6 signals the beginning of the in school HSC assessment schedule. I encourage students to either pick up a Term 4 planner from the Curriculum Office or download a copy from the 2022 HSC Curriculum Matters Classroom.
Year 10
Thank you to those families who have confirmed their child’s courses or enrolment status for 2022. We appreciate you understanding how important this information is to our 2022 planning.
Students are now, not only keeping up to date with NESA requirements for Year 10, but also participating in online tests and courses which are required for Stage 6 in NSW.
They have been involved in preparing for the NSW Minimum Standards in Reading, Writing and Numeracy tests, and have begun the online course titled “All My Own Work”.
Successful completion of these tests and courses is required for Stage 6 students across NSW. At SJPC we provide in class opportunities for the completion of these tests and courses, and as always, information will continue to be posted on their Curriculum Matters Classroom which will help support them in completing these mandated requirements.
As St John Paul II said
Claudia Brown
Leader of Curriculum
Interest has the power to, not only lift high achievers but to transform struggling performers.
Interest is a psychological state of engagement in the moment AND a predisposition to repeatedly engage. When children are engaged they feel captivated, energised and invigorated. Interest turbo-charges our thinking and makes us work harder and persist longer. Scientists have proven that passionate interests can allow people to overcome academic difficulties or perceptual difficulties.
So, how can we promote interest?
Educator, John Dewey, wrote that interest operates by a process of ‘catch’ and ‘hold’ -- first the individual’s interest must be captured, and then it must be maintained. To do this we must expose children to a wide variety of topics and material and ensure it is novel, complex and comprehensible. This means introducing things never before encountered while ensuring they are challenging but not too hard or too easy to understand. We must provide sufficient background knowledge to stimulate interest but avoid confusion.
More learning leads to more questions, which in turn, leads to more learning.
It’s questions, not answers, that stimulate curiosity. Instead of starting with the answer, we must pose genuinely interesting questions - questions that open an information gap.
We must demonstrate our own interest in particular subjects and encourage children to see the value in what they are learning while supporting their feelings of competence and helping them sustain their interest and motivation when things become challenging.
The goal is to cultivate interest that provides lasting stimulation and fulfillment, interest that we pursue over a lifetime with vigour and zest.
WEEK 5: BENEVOLENT adjective
DEFINITION: Being warm and friendly and enjoying helping others.
SENTENCE: The benevolence of their neighbours meant the struggling family was able to eat a home cooked meal every night
ORIGIN: Latin origin bene, meaning ‘good’ and velle, meaning ‘to wish’
DEFINITION: Hostile and aggressive; feeling or showing readiness to fight
SENTENCE: You make more friends by being nice than you do by being belligerent.
ORIGIN: latin bellum meaning war
Year 9 were recently given the task to design the graphics for a matching pair of skate decks with the theme of 'Australian culture'. In doing so, they explored how broad Australian culture is and chose an aspect of it to represent on their decks.
![Year 9 Skateboards (15)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3972/211029020706953/550x825/year_9_skateboards_15_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (27)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3985/211029020707368/550x824/year_9_skateboards_27_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (28)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3984/211029020707363/550x803/year_9_skateboards_28_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (25)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3983/211029020707356/550x824/year_9_skateboards_25_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (11)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3982/211029020707335/550x825/year_9_skateboards_11_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (1)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3981/211029020707318/550x793/year_9_skateboards_1_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (26)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3980/211029020707243/550x799/year_9_skateboards_26_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (2)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3979/211029020707081/550x420/year_9_skateboards_2_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (16)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3978/211029020707038/550x825/year_9_skateboards_16_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (20)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3977/211029020706999/550x902/year_9_skateboards_20_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (22)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3976/211029020706992/550x815/year_9_skateboards_22_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (21)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3975/211029020706968/550x882/year_9_skateboards_21_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (3)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3974/211029020706964/550x825/year_9_skateboards_3_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (23)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3973/211029020706967/550x790/year_9_skateboards_23_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (6)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3958/211029020706101/550x366/year_9_skateboards_6_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (24)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3971/211029020706949/550x823/year_9_skateboards_24_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (10)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3970/211029020706913/550x945/year_9_skateboards_10_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (17)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3969/211029020706902/550x825/year_9_skateboards_17_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (8)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3968/211029020706838/550x995/year_9_skateboards_8_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (13)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3967/211029020706757/550x879/year_9_skateboards_13_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (12)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3966/211029020706737/550x932/year_9_skateboards_12_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (9)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3965/211029020706836/550x936/year_9_skateboards_9_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (19)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3964/211029020706720/550x825/year_9_skateboards_19_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (14)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3963/211029020706686/550x825/year_9_skateboards_14_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (18)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3962/211029020706638/550x851/year_9_skateboards_18_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (5)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3961/211029020706604/550x364/year_9_skateboards_5_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (4)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3960/211029020706498/550x366/year_9_skateboards_4_.jpg)
![Year 9 Skateboards (7)](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/3959/211029020706109/550x366/year_9_skateboards_7_.jpg)
Here are the latest career related offerings in our Covid times that may be of interest to you:
Work Experience Update
Unfortunately, at the moment due to our Level 3 Covid restrictions students are unable to participate in any work experience due to a lack of insurance cover. I envisage that when restrictions are reduced we will be able to recommence the program.
University of Sydney | Dissecting Science Panel
There’s more than one path or career that you can pursue in science. Join the USYD zoom to learn which degree would work best for you and what requirements are needed. You will be able to ask questions to our panel of academics and staff.
When: Wednesday 3 November 2021 - 4:00pm - 4:45pm - Online
Find out more: UniSydney Dissecting Science Panel
University of Sydney | Discover why the Bachelor of Commerce at Sydney should be your first UAC preference
Learn how to take advantage of the USYD hands-on internship placement opportunities and tailor your degree from over 100 study areas, including marketing, banking, finance, innovation, entrepreneurship, business and analytics. Join this session to learn how a commerce degree at Sydney will equip you with the analytical, practical and leadership skills along with a global mindset to launch your career in any field, anywhere in the world.
When : Wednesday 3 November 2021, 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Online
Find out more: UniSydney Discover Bachelor of Commerce First UAC preference
Outdoors NSW & ACT | Careers in the Outdoors Webinar
Join Outdoors NSW & ACT for an informative session about Careers in the Outdoors and the job opportunities available in this field. Students and parents welcome.
When : Thursday 4 November 2021, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Online
Find out more: Outdoors NSWACT Careers in the Outdoors
Westpac Young Technologists Scholarship 2022 Information Session
There are 35 undergraduate scholarships up for grabs in 2022.
If you’re successful, you’ll receive $5,000 over three years as well as a stack of opportunities through the Westpac 100 Scholars Network, like mentoring, internships and a trip to Singapore (pending no travel restrictions). In this session we will:
- Tell you a little more about the scholarship,
- Run through some FAQs,
- Give you some application tips,
- Provide you with an example application letter.
When : Tuesday 9 November 2021 - 6:00pm - 7:00pm – Online
Find out more: Westpac Young Technologists Scholarship
Microsoft Mondays
Ready to learn amazing things and make some new friends? Girl Geek Academy and Microsoft have teamed up to present weekly online workshops to high school girls interested in coding and technology.
Designed specifically for high school girls, you’ll hang out, meet new mates, and learn a new tech skill every Monday afternoon from 5:00-6:30pm (AEDT), totally free.
Keen on making your own video game? Let’s do it. Got code questions? We’ve got you covered. Curious about Artificial Intelligence? Then Microsoft Mondays could be for you!
All the classes are beginner friendly, and are set up so you can go at your own pace – no need to worry about getting left behind. And if you’re tech talented, you can move ahead as fast as you like.
Find out more and register here: Girl Geek Academy and Microsoft
Paul Corsalini
Careers Adviser
This week brought the exciting news that sport will be going back, albeit with significant restrictions from the 1 November. Below is an overview of what it look like for our students:
Year 7 & 8
As COVID prevented many students from completing their Term 3 sports, we have done our best to ensure all students have equal opportunity to participate in the whole sports curriculum. Students are encouraged to check the Sport Classroom, Palace noticeboard and the Daily notices for sport allocations beyond Week 5.
Week 5
7 Kelly/ McAuley Girls - Aquatics @ Coffs Memorial pool (swimmers, towel, goggles, mask for bus)
7 Casey/Hargraves Girls - Golf @ Coffs Harbour Golf Club (hat, water bottle, face mask for bus)
7 Kelly / McAuley Boys - Tennis @ Sawtell Tennis Club (hat, water bottle, face mask for bus)
7 Casey/ Hargraves Boys - TBC @ SJPC (hat and drink bottle)
8 Boys - OSSA - swim trial Coffs Memorial Pool (swimmers, towel, goggles, mask for bus)
8 Kelly Girls - Cricket @ SJPC with Development Officers (hat and drink bottle)
8 Casey Girls - Fishing @ Jetty (hat, drink bottle, mask for bus)
8 Hargraves Girls - Just Dance @ SJPC (drink bottle)
8 McAuley Girls - Beach Games @ Jetty (hat, drink bottle, mask for bus)
Year 9 & 10
The return to sport for Year 9 & 10 is more complicated than simply taking up allocated sports as selected last term. For some families, the decision about Term 1 and 2 sports next year was based on the premise that a credit for Term 4 sport would be available. For other families, they did not pay for their Term 4 sport so are not financial and need to consider the Term 1 payment is also due in the very near future. Furthermore, with many sports going off campus to community based sport facilities, many of our Year 10’s are now over the age of 16 and will not be admitted to the facilities without being able to demonstrate they are double vaccinated. This restriction is beyond our control to change.
We have asked the Year 9 & 10 who selected an off campus sport for Term 4 to identify if they still wish to go off campus via a google form placed on the Sport Classroom. The conditions associated with taking up the off campus sport for the end of term include:
- Student must be prepared to pay for the sport or use the current sport credit towards payment.
- Student must have selected the off campus sport (as per rolls on Palace noticeboard and students current timetable)
- If over 16, student must be double vaccinated before 4 November
- Student must be able to take their mobile phone to QR check in and show vaccination certificate
Sports for Week 6 will be finalised on Wednesday 10 November. Students will be asked to check the rolls on the Palace noticeboard for their sport for the remainder of the term.
We will focus on getting Term 4 up and running and payments made before issuing invoices for Term 1 payments.
Any questions regarding the above mentioned process can be addressed to danielle.mcara@lism.catholic.edu.au and queries regarding the payment for sport need to be directed to the Finance department at the College (cofhs-finance@lism.catholic.edu.au).
Representative Sport
Due to the new directives, no representative sport in school hours is allowed. Events such as the League Tag Values Cup, Rugby Union 7’s and 10’s and the CRL/Cochrane Cup finals will not be going ahead.
Danielle McAra
Sport Co-ordinator
The 2022 Ski Trip to Perisher Smiggins which will take place in the winter school holidays next year from Saturday 2 July to Saturday 9 July 2022. It is available to students who will be in Year 11 and 12. The cost of the Ski Trip will be $2250. All transport is via long distance coach and the accommodation will be on the snow at Snowy Gums Chalet at Smiggin Holes.
The cost will include:
- Lift passes and daily lessons for 5 days for beginners and experienced skiers and snow-boarders.
- On snow chalet accommodation for 5 nights –Sunday to Friday
- 5 breakfasts and 5 dinners
- All transport
- Ski/Snow-board equipment hire including helmets, ski pants and ski jacket
- 6 days entry pass to the National Park
An expression of interest meeting will be held on Monday 1 November at lunchtime for students who are currently in Year 10 and 11 who are interested in finding out more and to collect information regarding the itinerary and permission notes.
You can watch via the 2021 Ski Trip Video report here : https://vimeo.com/576626249
If you have any questions regarding the Ski Trip please contact Mr Paul Corsalini at the College.
Paul Corsalini
Careers Adviser