Youth Ministry Team
Interview with Gabriella Majarich - Youth Ministry Officer
If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why?
I would choose Spongebob and Patrick to hang out with. They are characters that brought a little bit of magic to my childhood. I think hanging out with them would be hilarious. We would get upto some mischief and have heaps of fun.
Describe one way that Jesus has changed your life?
Jesus has changed my life in every way but especially in how I treat others and how I view my relationships. I try to be that love and joy for others as Jesus is to me in my life. He has become the example in my life that I look to, to guide and direct my life towards better.
When was the time you felt closest to God?
The times where I feel closest to God are the times when I am surrounded by the beauty of His creation; the warmth of a sunset, walking in nature and hearing the sounds of the birds. Other times I feel close to God are when I feel love; the love from my family when they hug me and the love from my friends. I encounter God in many ways, but more than anything that sense of joy and love found in my interactions with strangers and those closest to me is what makes me feel closest to Him.
When did you decide you wanted to actively pursue your faith?
I’ve always had a belief in Christ. Growing up in a strong catholic family, religion was very important. However, I would have to say the moment that I decided to actively pursue that part of my life was after a conference in year 10 where I had the chance to experience Adoration for the first time. This is where I really encountered my God for the first time. Being surrounded by that incredible atmosphere, watching the Holy Spirit work through all those people around me, seeing their reaction; this inspired me to want to actively pursue and explore my faith. That faith has been my strength in every part of my life.
Gabriella Majarich & Darcy Hartin
Youth Ministry Officers